Welcome to the TryEngineering on Campus Summer School!

Welcome to the TryEngineering on Campus Summer School!

The Department of Computer Science and Telecommunications of the University of Ioannina announces the hosting of a unique 7-day educational program, under the auspices of IEEE, the largest technical professional organization in the world. The programme will run from 7 to 13 July, offering students an unprecedented opportunity to engage with modern technologies and learning methods.

Activities and Educational Benefits:
Collaboration in teams to solve complex engineering problems.
Training in artificial intelligence, augmented reality and 3D printers.
Discussions with leading engineers who have contributed to the development of warplanes and space technology in the US.
Support from a dedicated psychologist to enhance the learning experience.
Certificate of participation from IEEE and the University of Ioannina.

Practical Information:
Activities will be held daily from 9:00 am to 1:30 pm.
Transportation is provided from specific points in the city of Arta to the campus and back.
The participation fee, for this year only, has been reduced from 400 euros to 100 euros.

Participation requirements: The program is aimed at students who will be attending the 3rd grade, 1st and 2nd grade in the next school year and wish to experience how an engineer works.

Information: https://tryengineering.oncampus.dit.uoi.gr/

Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory - HCILAB


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